Linggo, Marso 13, 2016

welcome post

hello folks? welcome to my website. if you want sports you're in the right place.
I dedicate this website to all sports addict. and i make this website to encourage children and  young people
in particular need to do sports so that they develop good habits that they can continue into adulthood.
the main benefits of sports are improved health and fitness  

Huwebes, Marso 10, 2016


I've failed over and over and over again in my life and that is why i succeed

Miyerkules, Marso 9, 2016

sports quotes

don't practice until you get it right. practice until you can't get it wrong

Lunes, Enero 25, 2016

holiday post

Joy to the world the lord has come let earth receive our king and every heart prepare him room in heaven the angel sing in heaven angel sing in heaven in heaven the angel sing.
We all know that Christmas is a special holiday to us so that we should celebrate the birthday of our lord Jesus Christ and we can show our love to Jesus through celebrating his birthday and also it so happy to celebrate Christmas together with our family you feel happy and comfortable.
For me Christmas is the right time to express our love to our enemies, to our neighbor and to our love ones, because I believe on this saying “give love on Christmas day” and it’s useless to celebrate Christmas if we still hate or still fighting to our enemies to our neighbors. Christmas not only celebrating the birthday of Jesus   it also how to give a love to each one of us and to everyone. And it so happy if we celebrate Christmas we are ready to forgive and give a love to everyone whatever it is our enemy we should to forgive them and to give a love.